Site Scene
The opportunity to show work captured on my toy cameras allows me to reflect on what photography means to me personally, as opposed to my commercial or conceptual work. I usually take these cameras away with me, and am not afraid of getting them out in bad weather or difficult environments. There is no preciousness associated with these cameras, and no intent to produce ‘successful’ images. I allow myself to play and have fun with photography. I take these cameras walking and on country drives. I stop to photograph ‘sites’ that are appealing, and in this work I am investigating this appeal. I think these sites have photographic potential because they are not quite ordinary. Often they allow the two-dimensional surface of the image to whisper about layer upon layer of a location’s history and experience. By their character these sites invite narratives of events unfolding, either real or imaginary. In this work I have documented sites as locations for potential narratives, and identified them by their geographic placement. I work as a stills photographer in the film industry, so this work plays, too, with the relationship I have with film locations and how they allow me to frame my work. This is a small collection from an ongoing body of work shot on my Diana plastic camera.