Dynamic Portraits
I am planning a series of 'dynamic portraits' to explore the option of creating more interesting and engaging portraits for my arts-based clients. In exploring the process involved, I have created a quick piece using an image sequence shot a while ago of dancer Lisa Griffiths for a series of dancer portraits. The images were not shot with the intention of animating them, so in producing this animation I have had to problem-solve the lack of fluidity.
I used Photoshop CS4 and created a layered file. Using the animation timeline in frame mode I have used the 'tween function to create the ghosting blur between frames as required. I would prefer not to use this function and to control the perception of movement using the shutter speed more carefully at the time of shooting. Sine this sequence wasn't planned for animation I guess the result is OK, but a lot more could be achieved with a carefully crafted sequence.
I thought I'd post this test result as a way to start documenting the progress of this project.
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