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Artist in Residence :: Lobethal Primary School

Just a quick little update! I am working on a residency (Artists in Schools program - Carclew) at Lobethal Primary School in the Adelaide Hills. It's a really ambitious project and I am very challenged by it in many ways. I love getting back to basics, as we are targetting the early and accessible techniques of Cyanotype Printing and Pinhole Photography. I have also created a Camera Obscura in the school's garden shed, and this is the first time I have done anything like this. It's really fun and exciting, and I just hope that the students are getting enough out of the program. It's just one day a week for 10 weeks, and there is so much to do around the edges that the contact time with the students isn't huge. It's a fabulous program, and I am keeping a daily blog for this project on a separate site. PLEASE read the project blog HERE.

The Camera Obscura in progress 

Some of the students' Cyanotype prints hanging up to dry

Pinhole Cameras being made by students

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