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Forestry SA Residency thoughts...

NOTE: I have added a link to the blog for this project in the Blog navigation bar on the left..

Having recently completed the residency with Forestry SA, I'd like to note down some thoughts about the process, the outcomes, and the ideas from that residency. I worked with dance artist Billie Cook, and we have set up a specific blog for that project (check it out here) - but I think it'll also be great to reflect on the specifically photo-media side of things, and on my technical experiences. I experimented with a "Little Acorn" Wildguard surveillance camera, and also a "Plantcam" outdoor timelapse camera.

I will write down my thoughts about the residency shortly. In the meantime, I just wanted to quickly upload a little gif animation of a few frames from a simple timelapse taken on the first day of our residency, with the camera set up on the porch beside the window, documenting the changing light across the view from our bedroom window. The Forestry SA blog won't show gif animations, so I am showing this one here - nothing clever, just a simple Day 1 effort.

excuse the resolution! This loops just 3 times - blink & you'll miss it.

I continued this timelapse for 3 days. I'm not conceptually excited about this at all, but it is exciting to have 3 days of a fixed view to potentially play with as a background for a montage. More about that later..

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